Explore Kalimutu Lake
Source : terrytreks
Kelimutu Lake located on the peak of Kelimutu volcano (1,630 meters above the sea level). It is one of outstanding natural tourism destinations on Flores Island. The three lakes have total area of 1,051,000 meters which have different names and colors. The Lake of Old People (Tiwa Ata Mbupu) is typically blue, the Lake of Young Men and Maidens (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fail) are characteristically green and the Enchanted Lake (Tiwu Ata Polo) can often be blood red or dark green. Travelers cannot expect exactly of what color the lakes will look like when they reach to the top. Thus makes them become more surreal and exciting to be discovered.
Kelimutu Lake was firstly discovered by Van Such Telen, a Dutch man in 1915, and the Lake became so famous after Y. Bouman expressed its beauty in his book in 1929. Kelimute area has been established as National Natural Conservation Park since 1992. Kelimutu itself is mostly surrounded by pine forest. Besides it is also overgrown with fern, casuarinas, reed wood and edelweiss. Fauna that can be found around the lake will include deer (Cervus tumorgenesis), wild boar (Sus sp.), pheasant (Gallus gallus) and eagle (Elanus sp.).
From Jakarta, travelers fly to Kupang City, and then transfer to the next flight to reach the Ende Town on Flores Island. Alternatively, there are regular flights from Denpasar and Kupang to Maumere. From Ende, travelers should continue the journey to Maumere by using a wooden bus (or in local language called as oto kol) which consumes 3 hours journey where the route of the bus shall pass a small city called Moni. If the journey from Maumere, it shall take 4 hours ride to Moni. Moni is the nearest small town which is lying at the feet of the Kalimutu Mountain and as the gate to reach Kelimutu Lake. A traveler can use ojek, a motorbike taxi from Moni to parking lots at the mouth of Kelimutu Mountain.
Travelers should bring enough bottled waters before starting the climbing. Some local people sell ginger tea at the peak of the mountain where many people gather to see the sunrise. Wake up early in the moning, around 2 – 3 am is the best time to leave the hotels/guesthouses so that travelers can enjoy sunrise at Kelimutu Lake. Don’t forget to use jumper, headgear and hand torch/ flashlight head.
There are guesthouses available, some comfortable ones are available in Maumere or Ende, but if you are more adventurous, staying in Moni with minimal facilities could be fun.
From Jakarta, travelers fly to Kupang City, and then transfer to the next flight to reach the Ende Town on Flores Island. Alternatively, there are regular flights from Denpasar and Kupang to Maumere. From Ende, travelers should continue the journey to Maumere by using a wooden bus (or in local language called as oto kol) which consumes 3 hours journey where the route of the bus shall pass a small city called Moni. If the journey from Maumere, it shall take 4 hours ride to Moni. Moni is the nearest small town which is lying at the feet of the Kalimutu Mountain and as the gate to reach Kelimutu Lake. A traveler can use ojek, a motorbike taxi from Moni to parking lots at the mouth of Kelimutu Mountain.
Travelers should bring enough bottled waters before starting the climbing. Some local people sell ginger tea at the peak of the mountain where many people gather to see the sunrise. Wake up early in the moning, around 2 – 3 am is the best time to leave the hotels/guesthouses so that travelers can enjoy sunrise at Kelimutu Lake. Don’t forget to use jumper, headgear and hand torch/ flashlight head.
There are guesthouses available, some comfortable ones are available in Maumere or Ende, but if you are more adventurous, staying in Moni with minimal facilities could be fun.
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